

Carissa carandas
हिंदी (Hindi)करोंदा (karonda)


Karonda, also known as Carissa carandas or Bengal currant, is a small fruit-bearing shrub that is native to the Indian subcontinent. It can grow up to 5 meters tall and has thorny branches with glossy green leaves that are oval-shaped and leathery in texture.

The fruit of the karonda shrub is a small, round berry that is typically red or green in color. The berry has a tart, slightly bitter flavor and is used in a variety of ways in Indian cuisine, including pickles, chutneys, and jams. The fruit is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including indigestion, diarrhea, and fever.

Karonda is a hardy shrub that can grow in a variety of soil types and can withstand periods of drought. It is often grown as a hedge or fence around agricultural fields to help protect crops from pests and animals. The wood of the karonda shrub is also used in the production of furniture and handicrafts. Overall, karonda is a valuable plant in many ways, providing food, medicine, and other useful products.


    Plant has edible parts.